Why Artificial Grass Is Great During The Summer Holidays

Why Artificial Grass Is Great During The Summer Holidays

Artificial grass

Why Artificial Grass Is Great During The Summer Holidays

When the sun is out and the skies are clear, it is the best time to get your children outside playing during the summer holidays. However, if all they want to do is go in the paddling pool and have water fights, you might want to consider swapping to artificial grass.

Water and grass don’t mix

While children love nothing more than splashing around in their paddling pool, it inevitably is only used for a few hours before it is abandoned and you have to empty gallons of water on to your lawn. 

When this happens, the garden can become saturated with water and if it is unable to drain away, this can make it boggy and damage the grass roots. 

At the same time, this will make the lawn very muddy, causing patches to occur in the grass. And as children run through these soily areas, they will spread muddy footprints throughout the house. 

Whether they are paddling around, throwing water bombs at each other, or chasing each other with water pistols, they are also likely to bring lots of freshly mowed grass into the house that has stuck to their feet, particularly if it is wet. 

This makes keeping your downstairs floor clean nearly impossible in the summer if you have fresh grass.

No upkeep during trips away

Although the British summer is unpredictable, there is always the possibility that there could be a heatwave while you are away enjoying being on holiday with the kids. 

If this is the case, you might come back from your two-week break to find your lawn looking worse for wear as it hasn’t been given the water it needs and has, subsequently, dried out.

Artificial grass, on the other hand, looks great all year round whatever the weather is. This low-maintenance lawn means you don’t have to worry about getting a sprinkler system or someone to water it every day and you can enjoy your holiday with peace of mind. 

Play ball games at your heart’s content

You don’t want to discourage your children from playing ball games during their summer break, but anyone who’s had a goal post in their garden knows it can destroy your lawn. 

Therefore, if you don’t want to have a bald patch in your backyard, which can look unsightly and ruin the aesthetics of your garden, you should consider getting artificial grass instead.

This way you can let your children play as much footy, rugby or other ball games as much as they want during the summer, so they can stay fit and healthy and get the benefits of being outdoors

These include boosting their motor skills, increasing vitamin D levels, helping them become more creative and focused, lowering their aggression, improving their impulse control, and reducing their risk of obesity. 

With artificial grass, your kids can play to their heart’s content without changing the appearance of your lawn.