What Are The Benefits Of Artificial Grass For Busy Families?


What Are The Benefits Of Artificial Grass For Busy Families?

Many people love the smell of freshly cut grass, as it reminds them of summertime, playing tennis in the sun or having fun in the garden. However, families who want a large lawn for their children to run around on have to keep mowing their lawn every week during the warmer months to keep the grass under control. 

Artificial grass, on the other hand, is extremely low maintenance, which is why it is an ideal solution for busy families. 

Read on to find out more about its benefits.

  • No mowing

Dry, sunny days are so rare and sporadic in the UK that when they arrive, most parents want to enjoy them by being out in the garden, either playing with their children or entertaining friends. 

However, there’s no time to plan a barbecue or afternoon tea if you constantly have to stay on top of the lawn. 

It takes a lot of time and effort to keep the grass short, and often it will need mowing every few days. 

For families who have front and back gardens of a reasonable size, this can mean a few hours of their weekend is spent just pushing a lawnmower around instead of sitting in their egg chair reading a book or preparing cocktails for their guests. 

  • No muddy footprints

The summertime is a great opportunity for children to spend as much time as possible outdoors. And when the mercury soars, it is more than likely that water pistols, paddling pools, or water trays will come out, helping kids cool down in the hot weather. 

However, water mixed with soil is a messy combination, and if fresh grass gets wet, this means it won’t be long before the kids’ feet are covered in mud. 

Of course, all the running into the house for a drink or a snack also means your floor will take the brunt of the muddy feet and will be left covered in brown footprints. 

If you have recently mowed the lawn as well, you can expect there to be wet grass on the soles of their feet as well as mud, which means you’ll have to spend most of the sunny day mopping the kitchen floor. 

  • No paddling pool problems

As well as making the kids wet, paddling pools are also challenging if you have real grass, as they are difficult to empty. Once you let all the water out, it can keep the lawn wet for several days and, in some cases, waterlog it and cause the grass roots to rot and die. 

In most cases, grass does tend to return to its normal condition after a while, but it can mean your garden has to be out of bounds until the grass has dried up properly. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging it even more if the children keep running through the waterlogged area. 

Of course, a soggy lawn also means your house will continue to have wet footprints if they do venture outside. 

However, with artificial grass, the paddling pool can be placed on top without damaging the blades. It also means the surrounding area doesn’t get slippery, unlike grass, so you can avoid any injuries. What’s more, you can empty the paddling pool on to the artificial grass, as it drains faster than fresh grass.